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Sports Day - Friday 28th June - Reception to Year 6

We are very excited to announce that this year, Sports Day will be held again at Sutcliffe Park, taking place on Friday 28th June.

We would like to invite you to attend and share in the day’s events. It is a fantastic opportunity for us to be able to use the centre’s brilliant facilities and for the Horn Park community to come together to celebrate and participate in the day.

Children will attend school as normal and walk to Sutcliffe Park after registration ready for a 10:00am start. If any adults are able to walk down with their child’s class to the sports centre, it would be much appreciated; please let their class teacher know.

We will aim to finish the final events by 12:45pm and then stay on site for lunch. After lunch, parents are welcome to take their child/children home directly from Sutcliffe Park. Children will not be allowed to walk home from Sutcliffe Park alone and any children whose parents are not attending will walk back to school to end the day as normal.

Please note, upon arrival, all attendees will enter the sports day site through the side entrance shown on the map. There will be a member of staff there to meet you. Parking at the sports centre is very limited, so we advise arriving on foot.

Please ensure your child comes fully prepared for the day. This includes coming to school in appropriate PE kit and footwear (there will not be time to change before we leave), sun cream and sun hats, packed lunch, and plenty of water.

The entire site has a strict no smoking policy, therefore you would need to leave the premises to do so.