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Harvest Festival Donations



Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware, this is the time of year when we begin our preparations for Harvest. This festival holds even more meaning for us due to the abundance of fruit and vegetables we have been able to harvest over the past couple of years from our Kitchen Garden.

Every year, we choose a charity to support and this year we have decided to help a local charity – The Greenwich Winter Night Shelter which is located on Middle Park Avenue, The charity offers shelter and support for people at risk of or experiencing homelessness in a welcoming, inclusive and safe space.

With this in mind, we are asking for contributions of food to be donated by the children (please see the list below for suitable contributions). We would ask that your kind donations are brought into school by Friday 7th October.

Suggested donations:

• tinned soup

• tinned vegetables

• cereals

• tinned fruit

• jam

• tea bags

• coffee

• pasta

• rice